Glass Animals Lyrics Hot Sugar

Hot Sugar Song Lyrics Description- Hot Sugar Lyrics Glass Animals are Provided in this article.
Glass animals lyrics hot sugar. Long black tulips Born in your blue tints Lemongrass eyelids Smoke in your slick lips Chocolate chapstick Backbeat strat flips Swimming. Hot sugar in the afternoon. Hot sugar in the afternoon I wish that we could be real too Hot sugar in the afternoon I wish that we could be real too So cool but we dont talk Hotels and alcohol Pool paintings on the wall Hot rubber on the tar I dont wanna be around you Just wanna be like you I dont wanna be around you Just wanna be like Bath time cool whip Watermelon.
Hot sugar in the afternoon. He says hes doing some new kung fu You always use his bullshit. Youre wanted coast to coast.
This Song will release on 7 August 2020. Domestic Bliss Lyrics. Hot Sugar Glass Animals.
If you are searching Hot Sugar Lyrics then you. Hot Sugar is a song interpreted by Glass Animals released on the album Dreamland in 2020. Leggi il Testo scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Hot Sugar di Glass Animals contenuta nellalbum Dreamland Bonus Levels.
Heat heat waves Im swimmin in a mirror. Road shimmer wigglin the vision. Hot sugar in the afternoon I wish that we could be.
Long black tulips Born in your blue tints Lemongrass eyelids Smoke in your slick lips. Hot Sugar Lyrics Glass Animals. Hot Sugar Glass Animals.