Collective Nouns For Animals Examples

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Collective nouns for animals examples. A flock of sheep. A group of baby piglets are called a litter a passel of piglets farrow of piglets. One of the best known collective nouns for animals.
A group of guinea pigs. A parliament of owls a stare of owls. What is a group of turkeys called.
A team of oxen. A pack of hounds. Walt to find out about collective nouns collective nouns the name used for a group of things it can be animals like squirrels or elephants it can be things like tables or trees collective nouns a lion a pride of lions a goose a flock of geese one hedgehog a prickle of hedgehogs an elephant a herd of elephants a bloat of hippopotami one hippopotamus a fish a school of fish a.
A shoal of salmon. A barren of mules. A herd of buffalo.
A school of fish. A flock of turkeys a rafter of turkeys. An army of ants.
A group of people. A barrel of monkeys. We have singulars and plurals and we all know what they are Collective nouns are plurals when they are in a group.