Black Cats Give You Bad Luck

From the WebMD Archives.
Black cats give you bad luck. Many can sense energy whether good or bad and will often steer clear of negative people or those who give off bad vibes. Now doctors are telling us that the bad luck may show itself in the form of sniffling and sneezing. Its believed black cats as well as all felines possess heightened senses.
Their high melanin pigment content causes black cats to have yellow golden eyes irises It is not a particular breed of cat and may be mixed or a specific breed. Of course the association between black cats and evil or bad luck is nothing more than a superstition. Black cats arent only associated with bad luck and evil though in some cultures they are celebrated and seen as a sign of good luck.
A new study shows that dark-colored cats are the worst offenders when it comes to causing more wheezing sneezing and overall misery to people unlucky enough to have allergies. This fear of black cats appears to stem from medieval times when an animal with dark feathers or fur including crows and ravens signaled death. The black cat has been considered to be bad luck or an ill omen is because the black cat has more chance of being unseen by people until it is nearby so frightening them.
In 16th-century Italy it was believed that death was imminent if a black cat would lay on someones sickbed. 19 2001 -- As children we learn the old saying that bad luck follows if a black cat crosses your path. A cat that is uniformly black in color is simply a felid.
Black cats are NOT bad luck and I am prepared to rant your ear off if you try to say otherwise. The most prominent black cat superstition is that youll be cursed with bad luck if they pass you but that depends who you ask anyway. Pirates for example used to think that if a cat approached you it was good luck but if it turned away from you then it became a bad omen.
I believe it is all up to what you believe in. In fact the next time Halloween rolls around take notice of how many black cats you see on Halloween decorations. Black cats 1black cats dont give you bad luck is a feline with black fur Topic do black cat give you bad luck.